Tyquendo Tracey

Tyquendo Tracey was born in Trelawny, Jamaica and is a part of the track and field team at the University of Technology as well as MVP.

Q: What is your favorite thing to do?

A: Eat, Sleep, play games and listen music

Q: Who is your favorite athlete of all time?

A: Asafa Powell

Q: What drives you to be successful?

A: To help make where I am from a better place

Q: What are your future aspirations?

A: To be a world beater

Q: Why are you unique?

A: My personality and my name

Q: What has been one of your biggest disappointments as an athlete?

A: Not being able to do the things I want when I want

Q: What has been one of your greatest accomplishment as an athlete?

A: Being a national representative

Q: What has been one of the best teams you have been on and why?

A: The World Junior Championship team, its rated above all the rest I have been on

Q: What has been a hardship in your life?

A: Most of my hardship comes from trying to balance school and track and field

Q: Who is a “hero” in your life and why?

A:  My mom and my first tracks coach they are the person’s that push me to be what I am now and what I am going to be in the future.

Q: When are you the most nervous while you are competing?

A: When I am in the blocks at a track meet is the most nervous.

Q: Describe an embarrassing athletic moment.

A: Being the favorite in a race and end up losing

Q: How do you tend to workout/train when by yourself?

A:  Do what ever my coach says. I can’t go wrong

Q: What other sport would you like to compete in if you were not playing yours?

A: Football for sure

Q: If you could let another person take your place as an athlete, who would it be? Why?

A: Derron Wright or Faedian Royse because they both have great personality and are working towards being a better and great person in life like my self

Q: Who would you say is your “biggest fan?” Why?

A:  My mom she tries her best to push me in the right direction

Q: If you could ask God one question, what would it be?

A: What should I do to become the best and get to heaven.

Q: What do you feel like before you give a speech?

A:  Feel like I should ask someone else to do it for me

Q:  What is the best compliment you have ever received?

A: That I am very sexy and also that I am a smart and heart warming person.

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